Filebin provides functionality for clients to upload and download files.
There is an opportunity to abuse this to share illegal, copyrighted or malicious content, even though this is against the Terms and conditions. There is no automatic moderation of such content, but anyone familiar with the location of the files can delete them at their own will.
If this bin contains files that should not be here, please delete the bin. This will immediately make the files unavailable, and is faster than sending a takedown request to the service owner.
If you need to contact the service owner, please reach out at
The files in this bin can be downloaded as a single file archive. The default filename of the archive is 1ojxhqketeudefg9
and the size is uncompressed.
Downloads are not allowed as the bin is pending approval.
You are free to delete this bin. However you are encouraged to delete your own bins only, or bins that are being used to share obvious illegal, copyrighted or malicious content. Bins that are deleted can not be reused.
This action is not reversible.
Delete the bin 1ojxhqketeudefg9 and all of its files?
The URL to this bin is, which is embedded in the QR code below. This can be used to conveniently share the URL across mobile devices without having to type out the URL.
The bin is currently unlocked, which means that new files can be added to it and existing files can be updated. If the bin is locked, the bin will become read only and no more file uploads will be allowed. Note that a locked bin can still be deleted.
This action is not reversible.
Do you want to lock bin 1ojxhqketeudefg9?
This bin is pending administrator approval.
While the bin is pending approval, files can be added, updated and deleted as normal and the bin can also be locked. File downloads and archive downloads, however, will be rejected until the bin is approved.